Fake-Spotting – How to recognize an original Chanel bag!

We continue our fake spotting with the most sought-after luxury brand of all, the French label Chanel. Founded in Paris in 1909 by the fashion and fashion icon Coco Chanel, the designer house has been one of the most popular brands worldwide for decades. Hardly any other designer bag is as coveted as the Chanel Flap Bag and hardly any fashion-loving woman does not have this classic on her wish list. Exactly this desire of many women to own a Chanel bag is the reason why the label has also been targeted on the black market and numerous plagiarisms exist. That’s why we show you some features, where you can recognize an original Chanel Flap Bag and unmask a fake.
1. Dealer
Similar to the Louis Vuitton label, Chanel products are only sold through selected distributors and its own stores. Therefore, special caution is advised on the internet, as there are many fake bags circulating. Therefore, check whether the online shop appears trustworthy and whether the products are checked in advance for their authenticity.
2. Logo

Often the logo alone can indicate a fake. The original logo consists of two interlocking C’s, which turn away from each other. Also check the material and workmanship of the logo. If the C’s are cleanly processed and the logo makes a high quality impression. With the Flap Bag, the logo is almost always on the front in the middle, only with older vintage models it can happen that the logo is on the inside.
3. Certificate of authenticity
Everyone who buys an original Chanel bag gets a certificate of authenticity with it. This is a card with an embossed serial number. If the card or the embossing with the serial number is missing, you can assume that you are not dealing with an original product. When buying a Chanel bag, always ask for the certificate of authenticity.
4. Serial number
The serial number is usually located inside the bag and until the end of the 90s, it was applied to a white sticker with a golden Chanel logo in the background. At the turn of the millennium, the sticker has changed. It’s still white, but the serial number is now below two golden Chanel logos. It is also important to compare the number on the certificate of authenticity with the number that was applied in the bag. If they are not identical, you are most likely holding a fake in your hands.
5. Metal chain
Each Chanel Flap Bag has the characteristic chain for the bag as a carrying strap. Check if the metal links of the chain have an engraving. If neither the “Chanel” lettering nor the logo was engraved into the metal, it is almost certainly a fake, so keep your hands off it.
6. Pattern and material

The quilted pattern of the flap bag, which is also typical for Chanel, as well as the logo, must run in one line. Even if an additional bag is sewn on, the pattern is not interrupted. Take the bag in your hand and do the smell test. This way you can quickly unmask plastic, glue or imitation leather and make sure that it is a fake bag because the luxury label naturally only uses the highest quality materials.
Our bestselling Chanel bags
Do you finally want to fulfill your dream of owning a Chanel bag? Here you’ll find great second-hand models with a guarantee of authenticity and a bargain alert. Have fun browsing.
And don’t forget that we have bags from the most prestigious brands, such as Louis Vuitton, Givenchy, Yves Saint Laurent, Stella McCartney, Marc Jacobs, and much more.
Here you can choose your beloved one. If you want to search for other original articles, you may be interested in Prada, Chloé, and Hermès original bags spotting.